Pretty Mandala

Picture of mandala

This image was obtained from

This image is more of a visual than a meaningful photo however it is a creative and colorful abstract design that resembles a mandala, in my opinion.
This photo shows creative artistry and what attracted me to the image is the use of colors. I find that the use of very bright, neon colors along with the movement of them within the design to be very interesting and mesmorizing.
This image is using a GIF format which allows for it's movement or animation rather of the colors and design.

Characteristics of GIF graphic format

  1. Mainly used for line art and graphic logos
  2. Has a maximum of 256 colors
  3. The image can be animated
  4. A color can be transparent

Cute Pugs

Picture of two pugs

This image was obtained from

This image shows two, very adorable, pug puppies standing side by side.
This image was interesting to me and caught my eye because the lighter puppy of the two resembles my own pug at home.
This image uses a JPG graphic format.

Characteristics of JPG graphic format

  1. This format is best used for professional photographs
  2. It has up to 16.7 million colors
  3. JPG cannot be animated
  4. A color cannot be made transparent in JPG


Picture of hearts

This image was obtained from

This image is a transparent background with many red hearts coming from the top left corner.
This image appealed to me because I found the little red hearts very cute and loving as well as since we are in February and nearing Valentine's Day, I found the image very fitting.
This image uses a PNG graphic format.

Characteristics of PNG graphic format

  1. This format uses millions of colors
  2. Supports various levels of transparency
  3. This format combines the best of the two previous formats, Gif and JPG